Fill your boot car rental

Drive a car or van near you


Join now and use our app to search for, book and unlock cars and vans. And with thousands of vehicles on streets near where you live an work, getting around has never been easier. Its city living made simpler, smarter and greener.


Search, book, unlock, drive with our app

Zipcar gives you access to thousands of cars and vans near where you live and work. Once you're a member you can access them all via our easy to use app. Sign up today to book your first trip! 

Local vehicles
We have a variety of cars and vans available near you
Roundtrip or one-way Flex! Book ahead or last minute
Easy to use app, simple booking process
Inclusive pricing
Zipcar pays for fuel and saves you money vs owning a car
Electric vehicles and less cars on the road. Win, win!

Drive by the hour

Whether it’s cars or vans, you can rent for minutes, hours or days.

See prices
VW transporter van rental

Save on longer trips

Escape the city for the night and save with multi-day discounts.

Start saving
Fiat 500 car rental

Why Rent a Zipcar?

bag  of money, green icon

Save money

We pay for fuel, parking and insurance – so you get access to a car without all the hassle of owning one!

map pin icon, green

Rent a car locally

Zipcars live just around the corner. We've got the largest car sharing fleet in the UK (not that we're boasting) and you'll find us in cities across the UK. 

icon of mobile phone emitting a signal, green

Drive on-demand

Whatever you need wheels for, we’ve got them. Rent cars and vans by the minute, hour or day when and where you need them.

leaf icon, green

Live greener

We’re the perfect addition to buses, trains and bikes for those times when you just need a car. We've also got hundreds of electric cars in our fleet. 

Frequently asked questions