Electrifying Brixton Businesses

Introducing the first fully electric shared van

Interested in using the electric van for your business?

Get access in two easy steps*.

sign up zipcar for business

1. Register with Zipcar for Business

Create a business account with Zipcar for Business and get your first year free (worth £99). Already a member? You're one step ahead!

access zipvan

2. Get access through the Brixton BID

Contact via [email protected] for more information and to get access to the new Brixton electric van.

Got a Question?

Fill in the form below and someone from the Zipcar for Business team will be in touch.

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Businesses save money with Zipcar

We are proud to be providing some great businesses in London with a flexible transportation solution. The Urban Flower Firm (TUFF) has been using our vans to deliver to customers and to create wonderful decorations for events. Having access to a flexible fleet across London means that sorting out transport is never an issue no matter how high the demand is. 


* Subject to eligibility as set out by Zipcar and Cross River Partnership. For any questions relating to the electric van please contact Cross River Partnership at: 
[email protected]