How much does the Zipcar for Business NHS Plan Cost?

Driving rates for Zipcar for Business differ depending on whether you are using Zipcar Flex or Roundtrip, type of car or van you drive and length of reservation.

You are on the Zipcar for Business NHS Rate Plan

As a NHS worker we know how hard you are working to keep everybody safe. We want to reward your hard work with an exclusively discounted pricing plan where you get up to 44% cheaper rates compared to our standard prices.

There are two ways you can get around with Zipcar: Roundtrip cars and vans live in dedicated Car Club bays, just pick them up and drop them off in their own Car Club Bay. Flex cars are one-way, pick them up and drop them off in our Zipzone.

Oh, and don't worry about the Zipcar for Business annual membership fee (£99) we've got that covered!



Roundtrip Pricing

Roundtrip cars and vans are perfect for making deliveries, getting to meetings out of town or when you need a car for a longer period of time. With several different sizes of cars and vans you're sure to find the right fit for you. With the NHS pricing plan you receive a 44% discount compared to our standard rates. 

Zipcar for Business Roundtrip prices below, including VAT.

Please note: 60 miles are included per day, additional mileage charge after that is 25p per mile for cars and 29p per mile for vans.



Flex Pricing

Flex is the ideal way to get from A-to-B, if you don't need to go back to A again! With the NHS pricing plan you receive a 29% discount compared to our standard rates. 

Please note: 60 miles are included per day, additional mileage charge after that is 25p per mile for cars and 29p per mile for vans.


Zipcar Flex Pricing