yellow zipcar

Croydon Council Employees

Need a vehicle to travel to a meeting, for a site visit or to transport equipment? leave your car at home and use a nearby Zipcar!
yellow zipcar

Why Zipcar?

save money with car sharing
Save money

We pay for fuel, parking, and insurance – so you get access to a car without all the hassle of owning one!

map and pin icon
Cars near you

Zipcars live just around the corner. We've got the largest car sharing fleet in London (not that we're boasting) and you'll find us in cities across the UK. 

vehicles on demand
Drive on-demand

Whatever you need wheels for, we’ve got them. Rent cars and vans by the minute, hour or day when and where you need them.

greener city living
Live greener

We’re the perfect addition to buses, trains and bikes for those times when you just need a car. We've also got hundreds of electric cars in our fleet.