The Subway in New York City
April 4, 2023

5 great reads to help you live greener in the city

Whether you’re new to green living or a seasoned pro, Earth Month is the perfect time to brush up on ways to live more sustainably in the city. Dive into these eye-opening articles for tips on how to shrink your carbon footprint.  

Learn How simple living can cut your carbon in the city 
Source Simple Living in a City: The Basics 101 from Simple Minded 
Spoiler “The city can be a great place to downsize, live small and reduce your carbon footprint.”

Learn How cities are actually greener than the ’burbs 
Source The Climate Impact of Your Neighborhood, Mapped from The New York Times 
Spoiler “Residents in these areas typically drive less because jobs and stores are nearby and they can easily walk, bike or take public transit.” 

Learn How daily habits can transform your impact on the planet 
Source My House Guide to Sustainable, Simple and Healthy Living from Robin Greenfield 
Spoiler “All of these practices are good for the Earth, your community, and yourself and create health and happiness for all humans and creatures.” 

Learn Easy ways to shrink your footprint 
Source Quiz: What’s the Best Way to Shrink Your Carbon Footprint? from The New York Times 
Spoiler “What’s the best way to reduce emissions? Living car free...using renewable energy...avoiding a long flight.” 

Learn How to make a climate resolution this year 
Source How to reduce your climate footprint in 2023 from NPR’s Life Kit 
Spoiler “Your climate resolutions for 2023 can have a long term impact on the planet. Here are five ways to start.”