December 16, 2013

Congratulations, It’s a…Car! How We Name Zipcars

Ever wonder how Zipcars get their names? Well, there’s this big enchanted machine in our basement. And whenever someone has an idea, they write it on a piece of paper, throw it in and the cars are automagically named. Well, sort of. Here’s how we actually do it:

  1. Employees come up with a list of fun name ideas.
  2. We play Name That Zipcar on Zipcar’s Facebook Page to hear from our members and choose our favorite suggestions.
  3. We plug the list into the system to make sure there’s nobody in the fleet with the same name. (Yup. Every car is different.)
  4. The final list goes into the vehicle-naming database.
  5. And voilá! We print up snazzy nametags and into the car it goes.

And of course we have our favorites: Honda CRV Caliente, Audi A3 Jazzhands, MINI MeowMeow, Focus Flapjack, Prius Platypus. (We could keep going but will stop there.)