July 14, 2021
Going Places
Some of the best small towns in America make great mini vacation destinations and don’t usually cost much to stay in. Explore the best small towns to visit. 
June 24, 2021
Going Places
Drive-in theaters are making a comeback — and they’re trendier than ever. Learn how to prepare for the Ultimate Drive-in Movie Experience with Zipcar. 
February 4, 2020
Going Places
Forget about the lavish presents this Valentine’s Day. Hop in a Zipcar and visit these iconic rom-com locations to spark romance or bond with friends.
September 30, 2019
Going Places
Pumpkin patches and apple orchards rule the season, but there’s plenty else to see and do. Read on for autumnal adventures from coast to coast.
September 18, 2019
Going Places
Where to eat, shop, and play in Brooklyn according to Jeff and Kalisa of The Runaway Experience.
August 6, 2019
Going Places
The start of August has us scratching our heads – have we done all we wanted to yet this summer?