Capitalized terms used in this Schedule shall have the same meaning assigned to such terms in the Contract.
1. Disabled Hand Control Policy
1.1 Advance Notice of Desired Use of Hand Controls – Generally, in major metropolitan markets, we request 72 hours’ advance notice to make a vehicle equipped with hand controls available, but we will try to accommodate members in these markets within 48 hours, if not sooner. If that market has a dedicated vehicle already equipped with hand controls, we will make that designated vehicle available within 24 hours, subject to availability. In other markets, we may need more advance notice. The advance notice assists Zipcar staff in accommodating these requests. Notice must be given by phone to a live representative at the local office or at 1-866-4ZIPCAR (voice mails are not acceptable). As with all reservations, requests for vehicles with hand controls are subject to vehicle availability, and not all vehicles can be equipped with hand controls.
2. Service Animals
2.1 Assistance animals are an exception to Zipcar's Rule requiring that pets be transported in locked pet carriers.
2.2 If a Member or the Member's passenger are disabled and need to bring an assistance animal on a journey, the Member will not be charged for regular cleaning costs (i.e., ordinary shedding.) However, the Member will still be responsible for all costs associated with any damage caused by an assistance animal.
3. Agent Assistance Fees
3.1 If a Member is disabled and such disability prevents the Member from using our web sites or automated phone system to make a reservation, and the Member identifies him or herself as disabled, we will not charge an agent reservation charge for any reservations made, extended or canceled by an agent.
4. Additional Drivers
4.1 Zipcar Members with disabilities have the option of opening a "household account" if their disabilities prevent them from driving and they wish to have another person drive for them. Zipcar will annually credit the fees normally associated with adding or retaining additional drivers as long as each person is listed in the first or second position at the time the disabled Member's account is created. Any further additional drivers listed on the household account will be subject to normal membership and annual fees. Zipcar will address exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis.
Additional drivers can only be added to the credited driver slots on the annual anniversary date of the Member's account being created or they will be subject to any applicable fees. The disabled Member may remove an additional driver from the "household account" at no charge at anytime.