zipcar dream green giveaway dream green giveaway

One idea can make a world of difference


One idea can make a world of difference

Imagine a world with fewer cars on the road. Our members do. Each Zipcar takes 13 personally owned cars off the road, which lowers emissions, cuts traffic and creates more space for the things we love.

So this Earth Month, we want to know, what would your world look like with fewer cars on the road?


What's up for grabs

Annual Zipcar Membership
$3,000 in Zipcar driving credit
One-year public transit pass
One-year bikeshare membership
Naming rights to a Zipcar EV


Now it’s your turn:

What would your world look like with fewer cars on the road?


Submit your answer below with a written submission, photo or video.






Jonathan W
Portland, OR


Living in downtown NW Portland without my own car has honestly been a game changer. Thanks to public transport and hopping into a Zipcar when I need one, I can get to all my appointments, hit up concerts, and hang out with friends and family without the hassle of owning a car. It’s been pretty liberating, not gonna lie.

Being someone who’s neurodivergent, the whole less-cars-equals-less-noise thing is a big deal for me. Less traffic means I can actually enjoy walking around downtown without feeling overwhelmed by the constant buzz and honks. It’s way more chill and, honestly, just nicer for everyone.

Now, imagine if we could swap out all those parking garages and endless rows of parked cars for something a bit cooler. Like, more parks, open spaces where people can hang out, and places that are just meant for walking and biking. It would make our neighborhoods way more about us and less about storing cars. It’d be awesome to see spaces where people actually want to be, not just because they have to park their cars there.

I’m all for the idea that we use cars when we really need them, but let’s not design our whole lives around them.Wouldn’t it be great if businesses were more about being easy to walk to rather than having a giant parking lot? ZipCar’s got the right idea with sharing cars—it’s like having access without all the clutter.

So, this Earth Month, I’m dreaming about a city that’s more about us—people. Less about our cars. A place where getting around is easy, but also where the journey’s just as fun as the destination. Let’s make it happen! 

Kristen K
Chicago, IL

Uriel T
New York, NY

How it works

fewer cars

How it works

  1. Submit your answer by 4/15 with a video, photo or written submission
  2. A panel of Zipcar judges will select 3 lucky winners and share on Earth Day, 4/22

What makes a winning answer? 


C’mon, flex those creative muscles.


It’s Earth Month, after all.


A greener future shouldn’t be a moon shot.

No purchase necessary. Promotion ends Monday 4/15/24 at 11:59 pm EST.